Newton Village Nurse Preston Brown Named Iowa Caregiver of the Year

Is there a professional caregiver in your life who is dedicated to making life better for others? Does he or she make you feel stronger, happier—and better able to deal with whatever is ailing you?? LeadingAge Iowa was looking for exactly the kind of person described above—and found him in Licensed Practical Nurse/Charge Nurse Preston Brown. In 2022, Brown was chosen to be LeadingAge Iowa’s Caregiver of the Year for his service to skilled nursing patients at Newton Village. READ MORE

June is Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Awareness Month

The Alzheimer's Association has designated the month of June for building awareness about Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia.  According to the CDC, in 2020 nearly six million Americans were living with Alzheimer's Disease. The number is projected to be closer to 14 million people by the year 2060. READ MORE

5 Important Tips For a Healthy Heart

February is American Heart Health Month, a terrific time to focus on your cardiovascular health. Heart disease is one of the major causes of death in the U.S., killing more people than all forms of… READ MORE